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    最近、燻製(熱薫)にハマってます。 燻すとき、放送したいので是非ご覧になってくださいあのぉ~卵かけご飯に酢、いいですよ。。意外と思われるかもしれないけど。。 騙されてみて、、責任もたんよ(信じるものは救いたくなる。) かまどの煙って、実は仁徳天皇がいつも見える民のかまどの煙が見えないと思ったとき、税金もやめ、自分の食べるものも粗食にされたそうです。そして再び煙を見て、よかったありがとうと思われたそうです。ちょっと、ちゃり感動した。 クックパッド:http://cookpad.com/kitchen/9666461 よかったらご覧ください。近々ブログ開設します。 震災孤児に料理を作りたいとおもったんですがあまりにも多くってレシピで関係者の方に委ねようと思いました。あと、高齢者の方の嚥下食も研究したいです。いま、調理師と介護福祉士目指してます。ファンヒーターつけんとあかんな。札幌時代と気温が違う。ぬくいんか寒いんかわからん。Byトウホク。 Recently, I am addicted to smoked (NetsuKaoru). The smoke time, please take a look by all means we want to broadcast Vinegar to that per cent ~ eggs over rice, is good. . I do not may seem surprisingly is. . The deceived try,, responsibility Motanyo (believe things you'll want salvation.) What furnace of smoke, in fact when I thought Nintoku can not see the smoke of a furnace of always looking people, also quit tax, seems to eat of his own was also to lean diet. And look at the smoke again, it seems to have been thought to thank you was good. Hey, I was impressed bicycle. COOKPAD: http: //cookpad.com/kitchen/9666461 visit and if good. Soon I will blog opened. And I wanted to cook in the earthquake orphans, but I tried to Yudaneyo towards the stakeholders in the recipe me too much. After that, I want to also research swallowing food towards the elderly. Now, I am aiming cooks and care workers. Fan heater Tsuken and Akanna. Sapporo age and temperature is different. Warm or cold do do you do know. By Tohoku. Thanks you.
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    2013年12月30日 08:51 更新
    \(^▽^*)いらっしゃ~いっ(*^▽^)/ ♥♥Hello!♥♥ (・v・★) ♥♥♥♥ I'm here broadcasting about random things, in English. ♥♥♥♥ My Japanese isn't very good but I'm studying it in college. If you need help in English just ask me and I'll try to help : ) ♥♥♥♥ ヾ(*゚▽゚)ノ
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    It is very much Matsur1357. What feeling loafer Nico Nico recently without having to worry about co1597867 ←Is a community before ~Profile~  Nice Name Matsur1357(まつr、まつ) Hobby Game、PC  Their own merits Nothing  The disadvantage of their Selfish, selfish, etc.  Good thing Swimming  Poor thing Most other sports swimming  Top 3 favorite things 1st Wangan 2nd PC 3rd Take Tomikakoma  It is this mon.  We are looking forward to hearing from you.  ※ちなみに僕は日本人ですw
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    2013年03月01日 04:04 更新
    自分の今日やれたこと良かったことを3つくらい書きだし、そこから連想したキーワードも書きのこし、それを元にして作るライフ音声動画の投稿&生放送のコミュニティです。 ♦メリット 1.自分の経験や考えていることを、言葉にして伝える練習になる。 2.やれたこと良かったことを記録するだけでも、抗うつ効果などがある。※ 3.自分のライフ音声記録になる。 4.公開することによりただの記録ではなく、メンバーや視聴者のコメントにより、自己変容していく可能性がある。 ※「一週間で自分を生き返らせる方法「Three good things」 - ライフハックブログKo's Style」 http://kosstyle.blog16.fc2.com/blog-entry-1109.html ♦具体的なやり方【動画投稿編】 1.今日やれたこと良かったことを書き出します。 2.連想したこと印象に残ったことなども書き出します。 3.それを元にして音声を録音します。 4.お好きな動画編集ソフトにて1と2を画像化し、音声を乗せて動画化して投稿します。 ♦具体的なやり方【生放送編】 1.まずノートの右ページに一日の終りに今日やれたことを3つほど書きます。と同時に左側にその出来事で印象に残ったキーワードも書き残しておきます。 2.一週間これを繰り返します。 3.一週間分たまったらノートを元にして、勇気をふりしぼり「生放送をするボタン」をポチっと押して開始します。
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    Sininen miehistö
    2014年02月12日 20:09 更新
    Sininen miehistö (Blue Crew) is a public community for various activities. Activities Playing games I mostly broadcast games and explain the gameplay and the story. My favourite game genres are FPS, RPG, TBS and TRTS. For example I've played games like these and probably play more of them later: ● Dungeons & Dragons: Icewind Dale ● Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare ● Portal ● Mirror's Edge ● Audiosurf ● System Shock I have problems with broadcasting Windows games. At the moment I have a system which I'm using to stream games from PSP and Playstation 3. I'd much more prefer to play Windows games, but my computer doesn't have enough power to stream them. Composing music If the idea is good, and it's easy to develop. I haven't done any music in a while because the software I used to use (Reason 4) doesn't work in the newer versions of the Windows or Mac OS X. I'm in a middle of thinking buying a new software suite. I might start using Fruity Loops Studio. Drawing I like to draw when I'm talking about stuff. More specifically I scribble stuff on the paper to demonstrate or collect my ideas to make it more visual presentation, and to keep my own thoughts coherent and if my story splits, I can come later to the split point and then finish the story quickly. My tools of choise are: ● GIMP ● Painter IX ● Inkscape Personal Computer I have several computers and punch of hardware for various things. At the moment I'm using following hardware to stream. I know it's insufficient for playing games while streaming at the same time. I have separate gaming devices for game broadcasting. Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit CPU: Intel Mobile Core 2 Duo P8600 @ 2.40GHz RAM: 8.0GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 530MHz (7-7-7-20) Motherboard: nVidia nForce 730i Graphics: nVidia GeForce 9600M GT 256MB ( ゚∀゚)人(゚∀゚ )ナカマー! ●うみねこさん:co158725 ●ドベルクさん:co1215393 ●むぅさん:co1431058 ●Xioxさん:co1705125
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    Osu! Let's osu!
    2012年06月08日 17:02 更新
    Hello, my name is Sam. Let me introduce you to the J-music infested world of osu!, a rhythm game made by some Australian guy... I can only speak English unfortunately. My Japanese is not good at all. ----- osu! info: osu! is a PC rhythm game based off games such as Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, Elite Beat Agents, etc.. The idea was brought up by some Australian guy going by the name "peppy", or "ppy" as we see him in-game. osu! is free to download and play. Downloading songs to play (beatmaps) is free as well. There is a subscription service that you pay for a certain number of months, and this allows you to be able to change your username ONCE, bypass the usual download limit (you can't download too many beatmaps at once, and the site doesn't like you downloading old dead beatmaps that haven't been updated in years), and have your username in another colour in chat and on replays. A big aspect of osu! is it's multiplayer and ranking system. In singeplayer, you can play any song you have and pause at any time you want, and if you finish the beatmap your score goes online into the rankings (if the song is eligible for rankings). You can also watch the replays of the top 40 ranking players of any song's difficulty, and your own replays too if you allow them to be saved. In multiplayer, you go into rooms and play songs with others at the same time, being able to view how they're doing from the little bars on the left. Songs you complete successfully in multiplayer will also count as ranked scores, although there is no way to get replays for multiplayer. (Apart from recording it yourself of course...) The thing I like about osu! the most however is the large community and the large amount of songs (beatmaps) available because of that. The game runs solely on player-made beatmaps with more experiences beatmappers (beatmap creators) moderating them so nothing silly gets the capability for ranked scores. The maker, peppy himself, only has about 5 beatmaps. Many of the beatmaps however are stuff like Anime opening and ending songs, nightcore and other random stuff, but there are quite a few English songs and many instrumentals you could get used to. If you can't tolerate ethnic diversity or high-pitch-girl-voice-songs being played in multiplayer though, I'd advise you stay away from multiplayer. osu! can be played with generally most things that move the cursor and two kinds of inputs for two keyboard buttons. The most typical styles of play are mouse using left and right click, mouse using two keyboard keys, tablet with tapping or tablet with keyboard keys. There are a few who use a touchscreen somehow... There's also osu! for android and iPhone, although that costs for getting it and getting songs too I think. History info here: http://osu.ppy.sh/p/history FAQ for gameplay here: http://osu.ppy.sh/p/faq ----- I play usually on Saturdays, so I guess I'll try to stream on those times too. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask...as long as it's in English, please.
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    ~~Sea Capricia~~
    2014年01月21日 06:31 更新
    Doing random things at random times.~ I'll do my best to be as interesting! ^^ most likely just drawing and such~ and just speaking randomly~~ I'm not always sure what to say, ask random questions or whatever. ^^ give me ideas on what to draw, etc. if you want. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ my japanese isn't very good... downright horrible... ^ ^; ごめん、ごめん…~日本語がわかりません…♥
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      ・‥…・・・★ 主の最近の一言 ・‥…・・・★ 話すの苦手です。/ I am not good at talking.(´・ω・`) ―――――――――――――――――――――――――― ・色々試しながらやっていこうと思ってます。   I am planning to try while trying various things.  トークスキル無いのでコメントないと無言になってます(汗   Since there is no talk skill, it is silent without a comment  ブサメンなので顔出しはナイw   Because it is shy, there is no face to face  Skype等は気軽に申請を♪   Skype etc. feel free to apply ♪  ただ、凸とかは基本しないです。   However, there will be hardly any phone calls  コテハン頂いて仲良くなってからね(^^   After getting ''kotehan" and getting along well :) よろしければ184外して、コテハンつけてってくださぁぃ(^^   If you do not mind, remove 184, and put it in ''kotehan" :D コミュサムネ5代目は「呀樂」さんに描いて頂きました(^^♪  Community thumbnail The fifth generation was drawn by Garaku♪ 誹謗・中傷等はお断りします。   We refuse slander and slander. 他の方に不快となると判断した場合はNGにさせていただきます。   I judge it as NG when judging that it will be uncomfortable to other people. 欲しいものリスト/ I am delighted with gifts from you http://www.amazon.co.jp/registry/wishlist/15ZOB77T33V30/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_ws_cIY2wbJ0SEFK9 ・ゲーム用「ジブンノバショ」Game broadcasting   co1678773 ・歌枠用「Room802」 Song broadcasting  co1693217 ――――――勝手にコミュリンク(若葉が遊びに行く生主さんたちのコミュです♪)―――――― ・豆猫の部屋(co3591186)   基本22:00〜1:00くらいの間に歌枠をしていらっしゃいます。○ワイイ癒しの放送です ・黒テンパーの遊び場(`・ω・´)シャキーン(co3649016)   ラスボスがいなくなると始まる癒しの放送です( ゚д゚)ハッ! ・yuuri*s Music♪(co2479878)   雑談・ボカロ歌枠がメインです♪ 歌枠という名の雑談w ・りとりっく。(co3753345)   雑談やら、歌やら、絵描きやらの気ままな放送♪   ――プロフィール――――――――――――――――――――――――――   名前:若葉   性別:♂です(´・ω・`)   出身:埼玉県   趣味:ゲーム、スロット、映画鑑賞、インラインスケート、etc... 気分の浮き沈みが激しいです。 近頃はちょっとは喋れる様になってきたような。。。      PSID 「nekowaka」 ・youtube  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3vZmQcGN3XgjhnJqb_9yXA ・Twitter(適当につぶやいてますw)  http://twitter.com/neko_waka  申し訳ありませんが鍵付きです。基本申請があれば承認しますが、  合わないなぁと思ったら外します。   ――放送環境――――――――――――――――――――――――――――  【OS】---------- Win 10 64bit  【CPU】--------- Intel Core i7-4700MQ(2.40GHz)  【メモリ】------ 16GB  【キャプチャー】 I-O DATA GV-USB2/AVT-C875  【マイク】------ SONY ECM-PC60&ECM-PCV80U   【サウンドIF】--AG03、UCA202、AT-MA2、Sound BLASTER X-Fi Go!Pro  【ソフト】------ 基本はNLE&ニコ生デスクトップキャプチャー(XP) SEASON2           他に、アマレコTV・Manycam・SCFHなども使うかもしれません。
  • レベル
    2012年02月21日 16:27 更新
    インディロックを中心としたBGM放送です。比較的最近のものを流す事が多いです。※主は喋りませんTwitter→https://twitter.com/#!/indie_rock_1985likeAll Girl Summer Fun Band/andymori/Anni B Sweet/Anydays/Arctic Monkeys/Art Brut/Atari Teenage Riot/Babyshambles/Balkans/Ball Park Music/The Bandits/Bass Drum of Death/Bloc Party/Bos Angeles/Bromheads/The Chap/Chikita Violenta/Clap Your Hands Say Yeah/Cloud Nothings/Copy Haho/The Coral/The Cribs/The Crookes/Crystal Fighters/Crywank/CUBISMO GRAFICO/The DARARS/Dead Kennedys/Dirty Pretty Things/Dizzee Rascal/The Drums/Dum Dum Girls/Fair Ohs/The False Friends/Feist/Fixers/Franz Ferdinand/The Fratellis/FRONTIER BACKYARD/The Futureheads/Genius Mess Poets/Gogol Bordello/Good Shoes/Grouplove/Hadouken!/Hail Seizures/Henry Lee Schmidt/Her Space Holiday/Hnc/The Holloways/Hot Club De Paris/Howler/Ida Maria/Jack Penate/Jamie T/Kanye West/Kasabian/Kid Canaveral/Kilians/Klaxons/The La's/Late Of The Pier/The Libertines/Lily Allen/Little Gold/Little Man Tate/Little Red/Locksley/Los Campesinos!/Lucky Soul/M.I.A./The Maccabees/Maia Hirasawa/Mando Diao/Manicure/Margarita/Matisyahu/Maximo Park/Mazes/The Metros/Milburn/Minako/The Music/Norah Jones/Operation Ivy/The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart/Papa Topo/Papa Vs Pretty/Peggy Lejonhjärta/The Pepper Pots/The Pigeon Detectives/THE PINBALLS/Pint Shot Riot/Pintandwefall/Pixies/Pocketbooks/Ponytail/Predawn/The Raconteurs/Rage Against The Machine/Rah Rah/The Rascals/Razika/Razorlight/The Right Ons/Ripchord/Rizzle Kicks/Ruby Coast/The Rumours/Scafull King/Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin/Sonic Boom Six/The Specials/The Spinto Band/The Streets/The Strokes/The Subways/Sugarplum Fairy/The Takeover UK/Tango In The Attic/Team Me/The Thirst/Those Dancing Days/The Tidy Ups/The Ting Tings/Title Tracks/Two Gallants/The Vaccines/Vampire Weekend/The View/The Vines/Vivendo do Ócio/Vivian Girls/Wavves/Weapons Of Brass Destruction/Weezer/WHITE ASH/The White Stripes/With us/The Wombats/Yeti/The Young Knives/YUKI/Zun Zun Egui/上原ひろみ/クラムボン/死んだ僕の彼女/世界的なバンド/原田郁子/平賀さち枝/福原希己江/やくしまるえつこ/THEラブ人間
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    1234ヨロシク、英語歌詞はここに。 1234 please be kind to me 5678 show me your love Softly touch my heart with your feelings towards me, tell me you(short) love me 1234 please be kind to me 5678 show me your love I shall open my heart to you Things that you would want (of course you want it) Can't wait for it to be (you’d be such a fool) Everyone tell me this It’s not easy for me to (take the first step) I just can’t tell you (I hide my feelings) All I wanna say is, I love you. Confessing your love can be so difficult at time. If you miss your chance, it might not strike again! Really? Really? Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Opportunity for love comes three times a year, Christmas, Valentines Day, and Birthday What should I do to say I love you. Help me! 1234 I am confused 5678 I feel helpless All I want is for you to tell me That I am the only one 1234 Where are you now? 5678 I need you now Please knock on my heart right now I act as if I don't care (but I really do) Trying too hard at times (just can’t help myself) Maybe you just don’t like me I wanna be close to you (or are we just friends?) I wanna be your only one (is that too much to ask?) More and more that I like you. But one has to be careful, because love can sometimes make you blind, where you love the fact that you are in love. Maybe Maybe Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Love can have weird effects on you like waking up early. The reason? Who knows. Was it destiny for you and me to meet. Tell me! 1234 please be kind to me 5678 show me your love Softly touch my heart with your feelings towards me, tell me you(short) love me 1234 please be kind to me 5678 show me your love I shall open my heart to you “Love tends strike you when you least expect it. But when you want it, it just not there anymore.” 1234 please be kind to me 5678 show me your love Softly touch my heart with your feelings towards me, tell me you(short) love me 1234 please be kind to me 5678 show me your love I shall open my heart to you Tell me! 1234 with a good beat 5678 seeing your smile I wanna be besides you from now to forever~~and(bit short) ever 1234 let love hold me 5678 this is the chance I confess to you. I love you!
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    2023年11月08日 03:35 更新
    空向(そらむこ)と申します。 配信は原稿だったり落書きだったりマイペースでお絵かきしてます。 コミュ参加、コテハンなどはご自由にどうぞ。 配信内容→お絵かき配信(ウマ娘メイン)・雑談・ゲーム等 『雨洩り宿』というサークルで同人活動してます メロンブックスにて同人誌委託中 →https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/circle/index.php?circle_id=25068 DLsite(電子版) → https://www.dlsite.com/home/circle/profile/=/maker_id/RG19411.html ・配信主情報  Twitter…https://twitter.com/soramuko  静画…http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/user/illust/2133557  Pixiv…http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=934903 ・話せる話題→・国内外サッカー・映画・旅・音楽全般・BUMP OF CHICKEN ・ボルシア・ドルトムントのサポーター (時々海外サッカー観ながら配信することがありますが、映像を映す訳ではありません) "Remember, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies."