

  • レベル
    Osu! Let's osu!
    2012年06月08日 17:02 更新
    Hello, my name is Sam. Let me introduce you to the J-music infested world of osu!, a rhythm game made by some Australian guy... I can only speak English unfortunately. My Japanese is not good at all. ----- osu! info: osu! is a PC rhythm game based off games such as Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan, Elite Beat Agents, etc.. The idea was brought up by some Australian guy going by the name "peppy", or "ppy" as we see him in-game. osu! is free to download and play. Downloading songs to play (beatmaps) is free as well. There is a subscription service that you pay for a certain number of months, and this allows you to be able to change your username ONCE, bypass the usual download limit (you can't download too many beatmaps at once, and the site doesn't like you downloading old dead beatmaps that haven't been updated in years), and have your username in another colour in chat and on replays. A big aspect of osu! is it's multiplayer and ranking system. In singeplayer, you can play any song you have and pause at any time you want, and if you finish the beatmap your score goes online into the rankings (if the song is eligible for rankings). You can also watch the replays of the top 40 ranking players of any song's difficulty, and your own replays too if you allow them to be saved. In multiplayer, you go into rooms and play songs with others at the same time, being able to view how they're doing from the little bars on the left. Songs you complete successfully in multiplayer will also count as ranked scores, although there is no way to get replays for multiplayer. (Apart from recording it yourself of course...) The thing I like about osu! the most however is the large community and the large amount of songs (beatmaps) available because of that. The game runs solely on player-made beatmaps with more experiences beatmappers (beatmap creators) moderating them so nothing silly gets the capability for ranked scores. The maker, peppy himself, only has about 5 beatmaps. Many of the beatmaps however are stuff like Anime opening and ending songs, nightcore and other random stuff, but there are quite a few English songs and many instrumentals you could get used to. If you can't tolerate ethnic diversity or high-pitch-girl-voice-songs being played in multiplayer though, I'd advise you stay away from multiplayer. osu! can be played with generally most things that move the cursor and two kinds of inputs for two keyboard buttons. The most typical styles of play are mouse using left and right click, mouse using two keyboard keys, tablet with tapping or tablet with keyboard keys. There are a few who use a touchscreen somehow... There's also osu! for android and iPhone, although that costs for getting it and getting songs too I think. History info here: http://osu.ppy.sh/p/history FAQ for gameplay here: http://osu.ppy.sh/p/faq ----- I play usually on Saturdays, so I guess I'll try to stream on those times too. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask...as long as it's in English, please.